ANNEX to Operations and Logistics

Roles and Responsibilities

The Logistics Coordinator was responsible for procurement of field equipment and materials and for providing support to the field operations with respect to rental accommodations and all service contracts (vehicle maintenance, fuel, water and electricity supply, meals, cleaning and laundry services; additional transportation services if necessary). Additional responsibilities included maintaining inventories of equipment along with complete maintenance records and producing monthly field expenditure projections in consultation with the field managers.


Field equipment included vehicles (nine 4-wheel drive trucks and 51 motorbikes); navigational equipment (GPS, compasses and map sheets); communications equipment (hand held and vehicle mounted radios and base stations); safety equipment (helmets, life jackets and medical kits); office equipment, furniture and supplies; water pumps and generators for mobile offices and/or surveyor accommodations.

General Procedures

An streamlined administrative structure that enabled timely and responsive support to field activities and which also promoted clear and comprehensive accountability of field activities and monies was in place early in the project and was of significant importance to the success of the project.

In general, the Field Manager would submit upcoming deployment and logistical requirements to the Logistics Coordinator who would undertake reconnaissance in the new deployment area towards preparing a deployment budget. Once the proposed budget was approved by the Field Manager, all necessary support arrangements would be contracted in time for the new deployment start date. Once the deployment was nearing completion, field receipts were submitted to headquarters all outstanding invoices would be paid in full by the Logistics Coordinator and the process would begin again in preparation for the new deployment.

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